
UNIBEP presented with the Polish Sports Constructor award

Unibep was presented with the title and the trophy of the “Polish Sports Constructor”. The competition took place on 26 November 2015 in the office of the Polish Olympic Committee. 

This was the 16th edition of the competition. The organisers reward investors – mainly councils – projects and contractors. We were awarded the reward for the completion of Aqua Lublin – a swimming pool complex. The members of the jury were highly impressed by the building’s architecture and quality.

- "It is one of the most beautiful swimming pools in Poland", said Danuta Burzyńska, editor-in-chief of the monthly "Builder", who was the host of the award ceremony. "Lublin can be proud of this building and Unibep completed this project in an excellent way."

The award was collected by Marcin Drobek, the construction director and member of the Management Board of Unibep S.A., Piotr Kołodko – the contract director and Andrzej Kozioł – the contract manager.

The awards were presented by, among others, outstanding athletes – Paweł Nastula, a judoka, a gold medallist at the Olympic Games in Atlanta (1996), a two-time World Champion and a three-time European champion and Grzegorz Skrzecz, a boxer, a medallist at the European and World Championships.


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