
Unibep among the best employers

Unibep S.A. has received the title of Top Employer of Eastern Poland. The award was presented during the third Eastern Economic Congress in Białystok.

 - Our goal was to identify the ten most outstanding employers from the five eastern provinces in Poland. The list of winners consisted of companies that were innovative, with modern management and played key roles in their industries. One of the most important criteria was also maintaining a high standard of relationships between managers, employees and the social environment in which the companies operate each day - said Wojciech Kuśpik during the awards ceremony, who is president of the PTWP Group, and the initiator and organiser of the Eastern Economic Congress in Białystok.

- This award is unique, it is a distinction for our wonderful team - says Leszek Gołąbiecki, President of the Board at Unibep S.A. - They prove each day with their hard work that it's not important where a company is situated, but that first and foremost it's about passion, knowledge, competence and confidence. I would like to say thank you on behalf of myself and the entire team at Unibep.

In the Lubelskie province - Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka and Pol-Inowex, in Podkarpackie - Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze and Asseco Poland, in the Podlaskie province - SaMASZ and Unibep, in Świętokrzyskie - Kolporter and VIVE Group, and in the Warmia-Mazury province - Expom and Wipasz - were the 10 companies marked out as the Top Employers of Eastern Poland competition in 2016.

Experts of the Competition Committee selected the winners based on the following criteria: the impact of the employer on the region's economic development, their contribution to the development of the labour market, innovation, employee relations, and cooperation with the local community.

The Top Employers of Eastern Poland event accompanied the third Eastern Economic Congress in Białystok.

Unibep S.A. is the largest Polish construction company in the Podlaskie province and the leading exporter of construction services in Poland - building in Russia, Belarus, Germany and Norway. Unibep has been cooperating since 2014 with the Białystok Universty of Technology in areas such as the improvement of innovative technologies and products, as well as in the implementation of research and development works. The company policy is also to educate graduates and lead them to achieve increasingly higher levels in their careers. Employees who wish to improve their skills receive funding for higher education, additional courses and exams in order to obtain building licenses. The company also takes care of its employees’ health, offering them private medical care. Currently, Unibep employs nearly 1,200 people. Leszek Marek Gołąbiecki is the head of the company.

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