
Unihouse will build student halls of residence "Nardobakken 2"

Unihouse has signed an agreement for the implementation in modular technology of student halls of residence in Trondheim in Norway.

The company will design and build a building with the height of 4 and 5 storeys above the ground, in which there will be 230 apartments in the "turnkey" finishing standard. The usable area of the premises is over 4000 m2.

The designing the investment started in the second quarter of 2019, while completion of the agreement implementation is schedoled for the third quarter of 2020.

Trondheim is a well known city on the map of Norway. A dozen of projects have been completed there, including halls of residence of Persaunet or the passive residential building Miljøbyen Granasen. There are also 3 residential buildings under construction Bringebær Hagen and HeimdalsPorten comprising 200 apartments.

Visualisation: Voll Arkitekter AS

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